Delight Carpet Care Adelaide

Tips For Keeping Your Carpets Cleaner For Longer

So you've just gotten your carpets cleaned and they are looking great right now...but what about 1,2,3...6 months from now? One of the most common questions we get asked is "How often should I get my carpets cleaned?".

Delight Carpet Care Adelaide

How To Remove Paint Stains From Carpet

If you've been redecorating your Adelaide home and spilled a few drops of paint on the carpet don't worry as in most cases it can be successfully removed without leaving a trace! While drop sheets should always be used..

Delight Carpet Care Adelaide

How To Clean Black Mouldy Shower Grout Lines

Are the formerly sparkling white grout lines in your Adelaide shower or along the edge of your bathtub now black? You may have tried all sorts of professional-grade products, over-the-counter shower cleaners and natural..

Delight Carpet Care Adelaide

7 Reasons To Spring Clean Your Adelaide Home

After a winter full of clouds, rain and cold weather, spring has finally (somewhat later than usual) come to Adelaide! Spring Cleaning is the perfect time to breath new life and cleanliness into your Adelaide home.